NutriBiotic, "Гель для зубов плюс", гель для зубов, по-настоящему отбеливающий, с гаультерией, 4,5 унций (128 г)

  • ₴793

  • Where Science Work Naturally
  • With Grapefruit Seed Extract, Aloe Vera, Vitamin C & Baking Soda
  • With Dental Peroxide
  • Superior Whitening Dental Peroxide
  • Health Promoting Grapefruit Seed Extract
  • Healing Aloe Vera
  • Tissue Strengthening Vitamin C
  • Non-Abrasive
  • Freshens Breath
  • NutrioBiotic Dental Gel Plus is a truly whitening gel formulated with dental peroxide (carbamide peroxide), the superior whitening ingredient dentists use. Dental Gel Plus removes most stains with a gentle, oxidizing action. Daily use of NutriBiotic Dental Gel Plus whitens your teeth and freshens your mouth.

    Рекомендации по применению

    For maximum whitening effect, brush teeth thoroughly for two minutes or more after every meal, or as directed by a dentist.

  • Brush teeth and gums at least once a day.
  • Floss regularly.
  • Visit your dentist every six months.
  • Другие ингредиенты

    Глицерин, гидратированный диоксид кремния, бикарбонат натрия (пищевая сода), натрия кокоил глутамат, натрий лаурилсаркозинат, деионизированная вода, масло зимолюбивой, перекись карбамида, гель алоэ вера, масло перечной мяты, ацетат витамина Е, ксантановая смола, экстракт семян грейпфрута, экстракт стевии , Аскорбат натрия, аскорбат кальция, цитрат бора и цитрат цинка.


    Do not use if inner safety seal is broken or missing

    For maximum whitening effect, brush teeth thoroughly for two minutes or more after every meal, or as directed by a dentist.

  • Brush teeth and gums at least once a day.
  • Floss regularly.
  • Visit your dentist every six months.

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