Maine Coast Sea Vegetables, Органическая красная водоросль, дикорастущая атлантическая нори, 1 унция (28 г)

  • ₴725

  • Certified Organic by OCIA
  • USDA Organic
  • Great In Salads, Snacks, Soups, Stirfries
  • Certified Organic Laver

  • Similar to Japanese nori with a distinctive nutty flavor.
  • These un-sheeted, whole, wild plants are best lightly roasted before use.
  • Delicious crumbled onto soup, salad, pasta, potatoes or popcorn.
  • Of Our four seaweeds, laver has the most Vitamins B1, B2, B6, B12, C and E.
  • Tested for chemical, heavy metal, fuel oil and bacteriological pollution.
  • Meets all OCIA Organic Standards for sustainable harvesting and handling.
  • Basic Prep

    Our wild laver comes directly to you without processing or washing out any of its mineral richness. Please check for occasional tiny hidden pebbles or shells in the fronds. Some plants may develop a white powder during storage. These are natural salts and sugars that precipitate from inside the cells. To minimize this, store this bag tightly closed in a dry area - or double bag.

    Рекомендации по применению

    Laver As A Snack

  • You can eat it as is, if you like to chew!
  • Light roasting in a 300° oven for 5-8 min until crisp will greatly enhance the taste as well as tenderize.
  • Or dry roast in a medium hot skillet, turning occasionally until crisp.
  • Kids often love these "chips" as is - or sprinkle a little pepper on them!
  • Try crumbling these chips on unsalted popcorn or peanuts - or on morning-cereal, hot or cold.
  • Laver In Stir-Fries

  • Compliments most veggies, grains and soy products, particularly tofu.
  • Best roasted lightly before use (see laver as a snack).
  • Use about 1 cup (1/2 oz.) of roasted laver per 4 servings.
  • Crumble into any stirfry while cooking or use as a last minute garnish for some "crunch".
  • Mix in with any fried rice or noodle dish for a sea-salty, nutty accent.
  • Laver In Salads

  • To tenderize without roasting or cooking, marinate laver for at least 18 hrs.
  • Leave it right in your dressing or chop and toss it with your greens.
  • For a stronger taste, crumble roasted laver over your salad just before serving.
  • Add a slight sea flavor to your pasta or three bean salad with roasted laver.
  • Другие ингредиенты

    Низкотемпературный высушенный Laver.

    Laver As A Snack

  • You can eat it as is, if you like to chew!
  • Light roasting in a 300° oven for 5-8 min until crisp will greatly enhance the taste as well as tenderize.
  • Or dry roast in a medium hot skillet, turning occasionally until crisp.
  • Kids often love these "chips" as is - or sprinkle a little pepper on them!
  • Try crumbling these chips on unsalted popcorn or peanuts - or on morning-cereal, hot or cold.
  • Laver In Stir-Fries

  • Compliments most veggies, grains and soy products, particularly tofu.
  • Best roasted lightly before use (see laver as a snack).
  • Use about 1 cup (1/2 oz.) of roasted laver per 4 servings.
  • Crumble into any stirfry while cooking or use as a last minute garnish for some "crunch".
  • Mix in with any fried rice or noodle dish for a sea-salty, nutty accent.
  • Laver In Salads

  • To tenderize without roasting or cooking, marinate laver for at least 18 hrs.
  • Leave it right in your dressing or chop and toss it with your greens.
  • For a stronger taste, crumble roasted laver over your salad just before serving.
  • Add a slight sea flavor to your pasta or three bean salad with roasted laver.

  • Дополнительные факты
    Размер порции: 1/3 чашки (7 г)
    Порций в сумке: 4
    Сумма / Порция % DV *
    Калории 22
    Калории от жира 0
    Всего жиров 0 г 0%
    Насыщенный жир 0 г 0%
    холестерин 0%
    натрий 113 мг 5%
    калий 188 мг 5%
    Всего углеводов 3 г 1%
    Диетическое волокно 2 г 8%
    Sugars 0 г
    белка 2 г
    Витамин А 6%
    Витамин С <2%
    кальций <2%
    Железо 8%
    Рибофлавин 10%
    Ниацин 2%
    Витамин B6 40%
    Витамин B12 20%
    магниевый 6%
    фосфор 2%
    йод 70%
    хром 8%
    цинк 2%
    * Процент дневной нормы (DV) основаны на диете в 2000 калорий.
    Rocksmith 2025-02-05

    great to have source of unsheeted natural nori

    Наталья 2025-02-05

    & much prefer Atlantic to Pacific source

    Инна 2025-02-05

    Продукт торговой марки Maine Coast Sea Vegetables, Органическая красная водоросль, дикорастущая атлантическая нори, 1 унция (28 г) произведен и сертифицирован в США, соответствует наивысшим критериям и стандартам. Мы рекомендуем ознакомиться с инструкцией по применению, указанной на товаре, перед его использованием, а не только полностью полагаться на описание, представленное на сайте.

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