New Chapter, Пробиотик All-Flora, 60 вегетарианских капсул

  • Виробник: New Chapter (Нью Чэптэ)
  • Код товару: NCR-90183
  • upc код: 727783901835
  • Наявність: Є в наявності
  • Вес товара: 0.2 кг. Размеры (ДxШxВ): 11.2x6.1x6.1 см.
  • ₴3212

  • Whole-Food Live Probiotics
  • One Per Day
  • Well Shield
  • Non GMO
  • Identity Assured
  • Dietary Supplement
  • Certified B Corporation
  • Identity assured strains support immune defenses & promote digestive health.

    10 Billion CFU: Optimally formulated to replenish healthy flora & reduce problematic yeast.

    Pre | Pro | Post

    3 essentials for growth - Live probiotics for the full shelf life, with prebiotics for fuel and postbiotics for complete gut health.

    2 types of flora - DNA tested: 5 billion friendly bacteria + 5 billion beneficial yeast.

    1 daily capsule - Nourishes microbiome harmony to support immune & digestive health.

    Probiotics With a Purpose

    Immune & Digestive Support - Boosts immune defenses and promotes digestive health including bowel regularity and reducing occasional gas, bloating, diarrhea and constipation. Also ideal for travel & GI distress.

    Rebalancing Yeast - Beneficial Saccharomyces boulardii (good yeast) helps reduce problematic yeast such as Candida, and replenishes healthy gut flora.

    Complete Pre-, Pro-, & Postbiotics - Fuels probiotic growth with nourishing prebiotics from fermented Aloe powder, plus beneficial postbiotic compounds.

    Clinical Strength Flora - Delivers benefits you can actually feel due to appropriate CFU counts with clinically relevant strains that work in powerful harmony.

    Proven at the Cellular Level† to:

  • Protect cell health by boosting antioxidant production.
  • Balance healthy inflammation response to protect cells from damage.
  • Recover ATP energy to support healthy cell activity.
  • New Chapter's Guiding Principles

  • To Deliver the Wisdom of Nature thus relieving suffering and promoting optimal health.
  • To advance the organic mission, nourishing body and soul with the healing intelligence of pure whole foods and herbal supplements.
  • To nurture and sustain Mother Earth, the source of natural healing.
  • To honor and reward personal growth, for enlightened teamwork depends on the vitality of every member of the New Chapter family.
  • Certified B Corporation: New Chapter is proud to be a Certified B Corp, using business as a force for good.

    †As shown in preclinical lab testing.

    Рекомендации по применению

    One capsule daily for ages 12 and up. Can be taken anytime, even on an empty stomach.

    Другие ингредиенты

    Мальтодекстрин, гипромеллоза (капсула), ферментные среды (органические saccharomyces cerevisiae, органическая аравийская камедь, органическая соевая мука, органическая меласса, молочнокислые бактерии [lactobacillus acidophilus, bifidobacterium bifidum и lactobacillus rhamnosus], бромелайн [деактивированный] и деактивированный) глицерин, диоксид кремния, микрокристаллическая целлюлоза, рисовый экстракт и подсолнечное масло.

    Содержит: ферментированную сою.

    Не содержит глютен- 100% веганский- без искусственных ароматизаторов или красителей.


    Caution: As with any dietary or herbal supplement, you should advise your healthcare professional of the use of this product if you have any medical condition or are taking any medication. If you are nursing, pregnant, or considering pregnancy, consult your healthcare professional prior to using this product. Discontinue use and contact your healthcare professional if you experience an allergic reaction or side effect. Read label ingredients carefully before use and avoid use if known sensitivity to any of the ingredients. Do not exceed suggested use. Keep out of reach of children.

    One capsule daily for ages 12 and up. Can be taken anytime, even on an empty stomach.

    Дополнительные факты
    Размер порции: 1 капсула
    Количество на порцию % DV
    Запатентованная пробиотическая смесь
    Saccharomyces boulardii
    Lactobacillus plantarum LP01, Bifidobacterium breve BR03
    Всего культур
    300 мг
    5 миллиардов КОЕ
    5 миллиардов КОЕ
    10 миллиардов КОЕ
    Пищеварительная поддерживающая смесь (из ферментных сред)
    Органическое алоэ (лист), Органическая мята (лист), Органический кориандр (семя), Органический кардамон (фрукты), Органический артишок (лист)
    82,5 мг *
    Органическая куркума (Curcuma longa) (корневище) (из ферментных сред) 31,4 мг *
    * Дневное значение (DV) не установлено.
    КОЕ = колониеобразующая единица.
    Инна 2025-03-10

    Продукт торговой марки New Chapter, Пробиотик All-Flora, 60 вегетарианских капсул произведен и сертифицирован в США, соответствует наивысшим критериям и стандартам. Мы рекомендуем ознакомиться с инструкцией по применению, указанной на товаре, перед его использованием, а не только полностью полагаться на описание, представленное на сайте.

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