Naturtint, Перманентная краска для волос, 10А светло-пепельный блонд, 5,28 жидк. унц. (170 мл)

  • Виробник: Naturtint (Натуртинт)
  • Код товару: NTT-01020
  • upc код: 661176010202
  • Наявність: Є в наявності
  • Вес товара: 0.25 кг. Размеры (ДxШxВ): 5.6x8.4x17 см.
  • ₴1190

  • Naturally Better
  • With Ingredients of Natural Origin
  • No Ammonia · No Resorcinol · No Parabens
  • Long Lasting Gray Coverage
  • Intense and Radiant Color
  • Phergal Laboratorios
  • Dermatologically Tested
  • Not Tested on Animals
  • This Box Contains:

  • Protective Gloves
  • Instructions Leaflet
  • 2.1 fl oz / 60 ml Naturtint Colorant
  • 2.1 fl oz / 60 ml Color Developer
  • 0.53 fl oz / 15 ml Naturtint Nutrideep
  • 0.53 fl oz / 15 ml Naturtint Shampoo
  • Discover a new concept in hair coloring that gives you healthy and revitalized hair. Discover Naturtint, the first naturally better permanent hair color formulated with active plant-based ingredients that provide optimum color and care for healthy hair.

    Maximum CareMaximum ColorAmmonia and Resorcinol Free
  • No Ammonia
  • No Resorcinol
  • No Parabens
  • No Silicones
  • No Paraffin
  • No Mineral Oils
  • No Heavy Metals
  • No Artificial Fragrances
  • NO SLS
  • No Formaldehyde Derivatives
  • Long Lasting Gray Coverage
    Naturtint's revolutionary formula provides long lasting gray coverage from the first application.Revitalizes
    Naturtint's active plant-based ingredients bring back lost Vitality and Shine, even in damaged hair.Vibrant Natural Color
    Naturtint's ultra-concentrated micro-pigments penetrate to the deepest layers of your hair, giving it an intense and vibrant color that won't fade with washing.Strengthens
    Naturtint Protects and Regenerates hair fibers. Its hydrolyzed wheat peptides helps redce hair breakage. Hair fibers appear smooth and soft, and radiate healthy shine.Long Lasting Color
    Naturtint's Nutrideep Multiplier's natural sunflower extract provides increased protection against the elements, so your hair can maintain its intense color until your next root touch-up.

    Final results depend on color, thickness and the overall condition of your hair

    Plant-Based Permanent Hair Color:

    Naturtint's active plant-based ingredients protect and regenerate hair fibers, restoring lost vitality and shine, even in hair damaged by aggressive coloring processes and treatments.

    Long Lasting Gray Coverage

    Naturtint's revolutionary formula provides healthy and effective long-lasting gray coverage from the first application.

    Рекомендации по применению

    Long Lasting Gray Coverage

  • Pour Naturtint Colorant into the Color Developer application bottle.
  • Shake the bottle for 2 minutes until the mixture is well blended. Apply the entire mixture to hair.
  • Wait 30 minutes. To achieve more intense color or to cover stubborn grays, extend the development time up to 40 minutes.
  • Gently massage while rinsing the hair with warm water. Work Naturtint Shampoo into a lather and rinse with plenty of water.
  • For superb condition and shine, apply Nutrideep Multiplier on damp hair. Leave for 2 minutes and rinse with warm water, then dry and style.
  • This completes your Naturtint coloring process

    Другие ингредиенты

    Натуртинт 2,1 л / 60 мл: ПЭГ-2 Олеамин, аква-очистка (очищенная вода), рапседамид ПЭГ-4, спирт-денат (спирт), пропиленгликоль, олеиновая кислота, этаноламин, тетранатрий ЭДТА, метабисульфит натрия, эритробат натрия, гидролизованный овощ белок (triticum vulgare, соя, кукуруза, avena sativa), limnanthes alba (масло семян лугового пена), p-фенилендиамин, 4-хлоррезорцинол, п-аминофенол, 2-метилрезорцин, 2-амино-4-гидроксиэтиламиноанизолсульфат, 4-амино- 2-гидрокситолуола, м-аминофенола.

    Color Developer 2.1 fl oz / 60 ml: Aqua purificata (очищенная вода), перекись водорода, цетиловый спирт, цетеариловый спирт, лаурет-3, цета-20, оксихинолинсульфат.

    Nutrideep Multiplier 0.53 fl oz / 15 мл: Aqua purificata (очищенная вода), цетеариловый спирт, мезурин, гексацин, гидролизованный пшеничный белок, helianthus annuus (экстракт цветка подсолнечника), linum usitatissimum (экстракт семян льняного семени), лимонный лимон цитрусовых (лимонный плод вода), цетеат-20, цетиловый спирт, глицерилстеарат, цет-20, стеарат-20, лимонная кислота, бензоат натрия, сорбат калия, парфюм (аромат), d-лимонен.

    Шампунь 0,53 лк / 15 мл: Aqua purificata (очищенная вода), глицерин, лаурилгукозид, динатрий-кокоилглутамат, карбоксилат лаурилглюкозы натрия, кокамидопропилбетаин, кокоамфоацетат натрия, децилглюкозид, linum usitatissimum (экстракт семян льняного семени), рапседамид PEG-4 , полиглицерил-4-диизостеарат / полигидроксистеарат / себацат, эвкалипт-глобулус (масло эвкалиптового глобула), розмариновое лекарственное средство (масло розмарина), бензоат натрия, сорбат калия, лимонная кислота, хлорид натрия.



    Hair Colorants Can Cause Severe Allergic Reactions

    Carefully read and follow the instruction leaflet in the box. This product contains ingredients which may cause skin irritation on certain individuals and the Sensitivity Test according to the instructions in the instruction leaflet should be performed each time before using the product. This product must not be used for coloring facial hair, eyelashes or eyebrows- to do so may cause blindness. Gloves should be worn during handling. The proportion for mixing color and color developer must always be 1:1.

    This product is not intended for use on children under the age of 16. Temporary "black henna" tattoos may increase your risk of allergy. Do not use this product if you have sensitivities, rashes or other skin irritations on your face or scalp, or if you have ever experienced a reaction to a temporary "black henna" tattoo. Contains phenylenediamines and hydrogen peroxide. Avoid contact with eyes. If contact with eyes occurs, flush immediately with plenty of water. Rinse hair well after application.

    Store between 50?F and 80?F (10?C and 27?C)

    Long Lasting Gray Coverage

  • Pour Naturtint Colorant into the Color Developer application bottle.
  • Shake the bottle for 2 minutes until the mixture is well blended. Apply the entire mixture to hair.
  • Wait 30 minutes. To achieve more intense color or to cover stubborn grays, extend the development time up to 40 minutes.
  • Gently massage while rinsing the hair with warm water. Work Naturtint Shampoo into a lather and rinse with plenty of water.
  • For superb condition and shine, apply Nutrideep Multiplier on damp hair. Leave for 2 minutes and rinse with warm water, then dry and style.
  • This completes your Naturtint coloring process

    Инна 2025-03-10

    Продукт торговой марки Naturtint, Перманентная краска для волос, 10А светло-пепельный блонд, 5,28 жидк. унц. (170 мл) произведен и сертифицирован в США, соответствует наивысшим критериям и стандартам. Мы рекомендуем ознакомиться с инструкцией по применению, указанной на товаре, перед его использованием, а не только полностью полагаться на описание, представленное на сайте.

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