Lily of the Desert, Aloe Vera Gel, Whole Leaf Filtered, 32 fl oz (946 ml)

  • ₴1276

  • Gluten Free
  • Non-GMO
  • Since 1971
  • A Dietary Supplement
  • Aloe Content & Purity in this Product - International Aloe Science Council Certified
  • Kosher
  • The Lily Difference

    We harvest aloe from our own certified organic fields. ? We safely process the aloe plants in our own facilities. ? We bottle the aloe in-house to maintain quality control.

    This allows us to meet the highest quality standards while keeping costs lower for you. Our goal is to 'retain the quality that nature created' with each step of our process. But we also take our product quality even further with:

    Aloesorb: Science has shown that naturally-occurring polysaccharides are the driving force behind aloe's benefits. Aloesorb is a concentration of high quality aloe polysaccharides that we extract from our aloe through a proprietary process and has been clinically proven to assist with:

  • Improving nutrient absorption
  • Balancing digestion and stomach pH
  • Supporting a healthy immune system
  • Enhancing antioxidant support
  • Reducing toxic levels of nitrates
  • Normal muscle and joint function
  • GRAS Certification: Our products are certified Generally Recognized As Safe by an expert research panel, giving you confidence that you can use our products daily.

    Our Products Are:

  • Aloin free (less than 1 ppm)
  • Allergen free (allergen free facility)
  • BPA free
  • Naturally gluten free
  • GMO free
  • Vegan
  • Рекомендации по применению

    Drink 1-2 oz. per serving, up to 8 oz. daily. Can be taken by itself or mixed a cool drink. Best if used 30 min. prior to meals.

    Refrigerate opened product and consume within 5-6 months after opening.

    Другие ингредиенты

    Каррагинан (загуститель), лимонная кислота (стабилизатор рН), сорбат калия (ингибитор плесени)

    Содержит более 99% органического сока алоэ вера.


    Intended for adults 13 and over. If you are pregnant, nursing, or taking medication, please consult your physician prior to use. Discontinue to use for any adverse reaction and contact a physician.

    This is a natural product- therefore, the color may change due to seasonality without affecting its quality.

    Drink 1-2 oz. per serving, up to 8 oz. daily. Can be taken by itself or mixed a cool drink. Best if used 30 min. prior to meals.

    Refrigerate opened product and consume within 5-6 months after opening.

    Дополнительные факты
    Размер порции: 2 fl. унция (59 мл)
    Порций в упаковке: 16
    Количество на порцию %Дневная стоимость*
    Калории 4
    натрий 30 мг 1%
    Всего углеводов 1 г <1%
    кальций 35 мг 4%
    магниевый 4 мг 1%
    Отфильтрованный органический цельный лист сока алоэ вера 58 мл
    Органический полисахарид Rich Aloesorb 60 мг
    * Процент дневной нормы основан на диете в 2000 калорий.
    †Суточная доза не определена.
    Инна 2025-02-24

    Продукт торговой марки Lily of the Desert, Aloe Vera Gel, Whole Leaf Filtered, 32 fl oz (946 ml) произведен и сертифицирован в США, соответствует наивысшим критериям и стандартам. Мы рекомендуем ознакомиться с инструкцией по применению, указанной на товаре, перед его использованием, а не только полностью полагаться на описание, представленное на сайте.

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