Frontier Natural Products, Гранулированный жареный корень цикория, 16 унций (453 г)

  • ₴1079

  • Cichorium Intybus
  • Травяная добавка
  • Не подвергался действию радиации
  • Кошерно
  • Выносливое многолетнее растение, лучше всего известное в качестве заменителя кофе. Оно имеет более 'обжаренный' вкус и не содержит кофеина. В некоторых сортах кофе содержится до 30% цикория, что снижает содержание в них кофеина.

    Рекомендации по применению

    В качестве чая заварить 1 чайную ложку травы 1 чашкой кипятка, накрыть и настаивать 3-5 минут.

    В качестве чая заварить 1 чайную ложку травы 1 чашкой кипятка, накрыть и настаивать 3-5 минут.

    Дополнительные факты
    Размер порции: 1 ч.л. (3 г)
    Порций в контейнере: 151
    Количество на порцию %Дневная стоимость
    Всего углеводов 1 г <1% *
    Цикорий жареный, гранулы (корень) 3 г **
    * Процент дневной нормы основаны на диете в 2000 калорий.
    ** Суточная доза не определена.
    Modiris 2024-10-06

    This IS a really good coffee sub. Its better than a lot of other options in that you do get bitterness - and if you like/liked your coffee strong or black, this will suit better than the other options out there.If you prefered sweet or instant coffee you might be better off with something like Dandy Blend which is instant and mild in flavour. (or just get both like me so you can choose)I never sweeten coffee, but I do with this, so you still get a full bodied flavour, but take a bit of the bitterness out with stevia. It doesnt taste like coffee per se, its its own flavour. It tastes like a roasted earthy bitter beverage, somewhere between tea and coffee. I brew it in a small plunger and heat a little plant milk on the stove (I like my drinks piping hot). It makes a good mocha too, good ice coffee too. Ive also used it with decaf coffee so im using less coffee and to boost the flavour (a level teaspoon chicory plus a rounded teaspoon decaf coffee in the plunger with is fantastic, they blend perfectly).It lasts so well as you only need a little for a strong brew. I will get it again im sure

    Инна 2024-10-06

    Продукт торговой марки Frontier Natural Products, Гранулированный жареный корень цикория, 16 унций (453 г) произведен и сертифицирован в США, соответствует наивысшим критериям и стандартам. Мы рекомендуем ознакомиться с инструкцией по применению, указанной на товаре, перед его использованием, а не только полностью полагаться на описание, представленное на сайте.

    Brightgrove 2024-10-06

    Unusual but good

    Runewood 2024-10-06

    I cut my morning decaf with Organic Roasted Chicory Root & then have a cup of Chicory Root Coffee before bed because it has a slight sedative benefit that promotes relaxation but it doesn't make me sleepy. It tastes like caramel flavored coffee & it's loaded with good stuff like zinc, magnesium, manganese, calcium, iron-folic acid, potassium, Vitamins A, B6, C, E & K. It's a natural diuretic and I've noticed that my ankles are no longer swelling! It contains Inulin - a prebiotic that aids in digestion, acid reflux, constipation & even helps lower bad cholesterol. It's packed with plant phenols which are anti-thrombotic & anti-arrhythmic agents that significantly improves the balance of blood & plasma in the body which reduces the chances of cardiovascular diseases. The polyphenols and phytochemicals within chicory have a positive effect on preventing cancers including breast & colorectal and sweeps free radicals from the bloodstream. It's anti-inflammatory & can reduce arthritic pain. It contains oligofructose - natural dietary fiber which helps with weight management & regulates ghrelin - an amino acid associated with feelings of hunger and food-seeking behavior. You can't go wrong by either adding or substituting this bold & slightly bitter root to your daily coffee habit! Lol!

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