Whole World Botanicals, Royal Camu Powder, 32g (1.12 oz)

  • ₴1237

  • Promotes A Healthy Immune System & Mood Balance
  • Premium Quality 9:1 Concentrate
  • Wildcrafted
  • Myrciaria Dubia
  • Contains 8-10% Natural Vitamin C Complex
  • Dietary Supplement
  • Camu Powder
  • Camu-Camu: A wild amazonian rainforest fruit. Contains more natural Vitamin C than any other botanical in a potent food form. 1/4lb of fresh Camu-Camu berries equals the Vitamin C content of 10 1/2 lbs of strawberries. Drink with water, juice or fruit smoothies. Provides powerful immune, anti-oxidant, lung & mood support- promotes mild pain relief.

    Рекомендации по применению

    For Immediate and Urgent Use: Take 1/2 tsp. to one tsp. in cool water every 1 to 3 hours.

    Maintenance: 1/2-1 tsp. daily or 1/4-1/2 tsp. twice a day on an empty stomach.

    Mood Balance: Take 1/4-1/2 tsp upon rising & again mid-afternoon.

    Другие ингредиенты

    Non-gmo, gluten-free, certified organic (pacs) corn maltodextrine used to stabilize the high vitamin C content.

    No pesticides or chemical fertilizers used.


    Store in a dark, dry place.

    For Immediate and Urgent Use: Take 1/2 tsp. to one tsp. in cool water every 1 to 3 hours.

    Maintenance: 1/2-1 tsp. daily or 1/4-1/2 tsp. twice a day on an empty stomach.

    Mood Balance: Take 1/4-1/2 tsp upon rising & again mid-afternoon.

    Информация о Добавках
    Serving Size: 1/2 tsp.
    Servings Per Container: 32
    Amount Per Serving %Daily Value*
    Total Carb 214 mg <1%
    Vitamin C 100 mg 166%
    Camu-Camu 1,000 mg ^
    *Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet.
    ^Daily Value not established.
    Инна 2025-02-23

    Продукт торговой марки Whole World Botanicals, Royal Camu Powder, 32g (1.12 oz) произведен и сертифицирован в США, соответствует наивысшим критериям и стандартам. Мы рекомендуем ознакомиться с инструкцией по применению, указанной на товаре, перед его использованием, а не только полностью полагаться на описание, представленное на сайте.

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