Amazon Therapeutics, Stone Breaker, Chanca Piedra, 4 oz (120 ml)

  • ₴2442

  • Phyllanthus Niruri
  • Dietary Supplement
  • Direct from the Source
  • Wild Crafted Sustainable Harvest
  • Kosher
  • Gluten Free
  • Traditional Ethnobotanical Information

    Amazon Therapeutics works for the preservation of rainforests and to uphold the intellectual property rights of native healers and their traditional medicines.

    Your Selection

    You hold in your hands the finest traditional botanical available. This botanical is a long-standing favorite in South America where it has been empirically selected for its effectiveness over many generations.

    Рекомендации по применению

    Use 10-15 drops once or twice a day in water or as recommended by a health care practitioner.

    Другие ингредиенты

    35-40% органический спирт, дистиллированная вода, 100% лист чанка-пьедры (phyllanthus niruri)


    Caution: Information provided on this label should not be used as medical advice. Not intended for long-term use. Not intended for pregnant or nursing women. Keep out of the reach of children.

    Use 10-15 drops once or twice a day in water or as recommended by a health care practitioner.

    Инна 2025-03-28

    Продукт торговой марки Amazon Therapeutics, Stone Breaker, Chanca Piedra, 4 oz (120 ml) произведен и сертифицирован в США, соответствует наивысшим критериям и стандартам. Мы рекомендуем ознакомиться с инструкцией по применению, указанной на товаре, перед его использованием, а не только полностью полагаться на описание, представленное на сайте.

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